WunderPredicts #2 Rumors of digital’s demise have been The Upside to greatly exaggerated. While winners and losers will certainly emerge from a tough economic outlook, as is expected, e- a Downswing commerce and digitization will not lose favor with consumers. The pandemic saw an unparalleled rise of e- of consumers predict an commerce –both for consumers & organizations. 47% upswingin their volume of After record gains, a statistically normal online shopping in 2023. normalization took place upon reopening (due to a rebalancing with in-store activity), followed by tightened pursestrings (inflation). are purchasing at With that being said, while consumers will spend comparable or higher more –they will undoubtedly also demand better. 77% levelsvs. a year ago. It’s imperative that you look at headlines through the lens of your consumer. For example, while it’s true that price increases are a pressure point for think their personal consumers broadly, product quality still takes finances will improve precedence over cost (53% vs. 36% in terms of 57% over the next six months. priority) and low-income consumers actually prefer shopping online.